Wait — it’s my last year?

Kris Fuentes Cortes

Huh, so you mean to tell me that I’m in my last year of college…? When did this happen?! I just moved in yester…. wait… I moved in three years ago; well this is awkward.

It’s actually happening, I’m in my last year here at UIC and this blog will include my memoirs of the coming year. But how can I take you on this journey without giving a piece of myself for you to understand?

I am a Boston native, an active student around campus, and a dreamer of working in the world of music. Three years ago I packed my bags and left home to pursue my dream, at the time, of becoming a pediatric neurologist. That dream was short lived in college, due to me wanting to have a job I loved instead of working just for money, and I found a new love and dream. Now I am currently pursuing the dream of becoming a tour manager for a band and travel internationally while I’m still young. I also attend a lot of shows!

When I first arrived here to UIC, I knew I wanted to be involved with pretty much anything I could get my hands on. So my first year living on campus I joined Hall Council and met one of my best friends and I learned so much by being part of that group of leaders. From then on I ended up working with UIC Athletics, PeerHealthExchange, UIC Campus Housing, UIC Ring of Fire, EcoCampus, and most recently UIC Radio. Let me just say that there is a lot of UIC on my résumé.

Through it all, the ups and the downs, I look forward to what my senior year brings to me. Whether that is experiences, lessons, stories, or random thoughts; I hope to share with you all the tales of this last year for me. Perhaps my story will inspire you to get involved, follow new dreams, or dare I say… read my next post?!

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