Curbing ‘white flight’

Philip Ashton

Philip Ashton. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services

“The premise of the program was, I think, much more psychological. The psychology was, people fear change and when you put into place this institutional mechanism, you create a way of responding to that fear.”

Philip Ashton, associate professor of urban planning and policy, on a seldom-used and little-known homeowners tax meant to curb “white flight” in three Chicago areas, June 11 WBEZ-FM


“This isn’t just about school services, psychologists and mental health. It’s about the need for a health-based system for preventing these and similar acts.”

Gary Slutkin, professor of epidemiology and executive director of Cure Violence, on the growing incidence of school violence, June 11 CBSNews


“It will cool faster, but it will also warm up faster. So that’s the bottom line. There are other advantages to glass, which is once you get it cool, it will stay cool longer.”

Ursula Peres-Salas, assistant professor of physics, on the thermodynamics of switching craft beer from bottles to cans, June 10 NPR


“Chicago is home for me, and nobody is going to change that. No matter what team I play for.”

Curtis Granderson, UIC graduate and New York Mets outfielder, on his ties to his hometown and the campus baseball stadium he helped build, June 9 CBS Chicago

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