Dis/Orientation: Crip Wisdom for UIC discussion
Date / Time
August 28, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Join the Disability Cultural Center for a panel discussion with UIC alums about their experiences as disabled students at UIC and things they learned along the way. Some were grad students, some were undergrads (and some both). All of them are seriously lovely and willing to dish. What do you need to know at UIC? What do they wish they had known from the start? The goal of this event is to share wisdom for navigating life at UIC. Bring your burning questions or just soak in the advice!
Location: Room 231-235, Behavioral Sciences Building. There also will be a virtual live stream via Zoom.
This event centers on the experiences of disabled students, but anyone is welcome to join us, including nondisabled people, faculty and staff.
Covid safety information: UIC does not require masking, but we are continuing to mask indoors as an accessibility measure for sick/immunocompromised people and those living interdependently with them. Please wear a mask. We’ll have extras on hand. However, if masking conflicts with your access needs, we welcome you into our spaces — we are masking for your safety, too.
Access information: Live captions and ASL will be provided. The Disability Cultural Center is located on the second floor and is accessible via elevator. We use fragrance-free cleaning supplies in our center, but UIC is not a fragrance-free campus. Please skip the cologne or perfume to make this a fragrance-reduced environment.
Contact dcc@uic.edu or 312-355-7050 with any questions or requests.