UIC Urban Forum

Date / Time

September 19, 2019

8:45 am - 2:00 pm

2019 UIC Urban Forum: Are we there yet? The myths and realities of autonomous vehicles

A broad introduction of autonomous vehicles could deliver important economic advantages via less pollution, crash prevention, reduced travel time, fuel efficiency and parking benefits. How will these vehicles change society’s habits? Are government and transportation authorities prepared to make appropriate policy and investment decisions? In what transportation corridors will autonomous vehicles be implemented? How are automotive manufacturers and suppliers preparing for the impact of this shift by consumers? How will the introduction of autonomous vehicles impact parking and the built infrastructure?

The 2019 UIC Urban Forum will feature expert panels and corresponding papers that examine these and other uncertainties surrounding not only the societal and legislative impact of autonomous vehicles, but also the technological advances needed for these vehicles to proliferate.

Online registration begins at the beginning of August.


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