In the news: health benefits of being thankful

Being grateful has a positive effect on health, says College of Dentistry psychologist Sheela Raja. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin
“Research suggests that individuals who are grateful in their daily lives actually report fewer stress-related health symptoms, including headaches, gastrointestinal (stomach) issues, chest pain, muscle aches, and appetite problems.”
Sheela Raja, psychologist and assistant professor of pediatric dentistry, on the healthy effects of gratitude,
“When redevelopment comes, police follow, and there’s more safety in the neighborhoods and people think that’s great. But they do not enjoy that very long. Soon those services make those neighborhoods candidates for gentrification, and the people celebrating the benefits are displaced.”
John Betancur, professor of urban planning and policy, on a poll showing that African Americans in Washington, D.C., do not feel that urban redevelopment benefits them, Nov. 20 Washington Post
“We’re in the trenches now working on some extraordinarily exciting research that we think will influence the quality of life of almost everyone currently alive.”
Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology, on the science of longevity and aging, Nov. 18 Jewish Journal