Share your feedback on a new learning management system for UIC

Dear campus community:

We are excited to announce that UIC is actively exploring a new learning management system to better serve our campus community. Currently, UIC uses Anthology’s Blackboard Original and Blackboard Ultra, with the majority of courses hosted on Blackboard Original. However, Anthology has announced plans to discontinue Blackboard Original within the next five years.

As a result, the Provost’s Office and Technology Solutions are working closely with faculty to evaluate modern learning management system alternatives that prioritize accessibility, security, usability and features designed to enhance student learning and success. Above all, we want our new learning management system to align closely with UIC’s mission to provide the broadest access to the highest levels of educational, research and clinical excellence.

We are currently considering Anthology’s Blackboard Ultra and Instructure’s Canvas as our potential new learning management system platforms. Phase 1 of the evaluation is already underway, with 100 faculty and staff members from various colleges and departments testing the Canvas platform. Their feedback will be invaluable as we move forward.

Phase 2 begins in February and will provide an opportunity for even more faculty, staff and students to explore both Canvas and Blackboard Ultra through two week-long trials. This is your chance to make a direct impact.

We encourage you to participate by signing up using the links below:

Representatives from Anthology and Instructure will host on-campus office hours and workshops to answer your questions and provide hands-on guidance. At the end of Phase 2, we’ll gather your insights through a survey to directly inform our decision-making process. Your input, alongside considerations of pricing, support and product fit, will greatly influence our choice.

Thank you for contributing to this important initiative. Please stay tuned for additional updates in the spring.


Karen J. Colley
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Matt Riley
Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Chief Information Officer

For more information, please contact:
Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

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