Staying healthier longer

S. Jay Olshansky

S. Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology, wants to slow the biological process of aging. Photo: Jenny Fontaine/UIC Public Affairs

“We shouldn’t be talking about how we can extend life, but how we can extend health.”

S. Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology, on slowing the biological process of aging, Jan. 6 The Atlantic


“The reality is, we still need significant attention to prevention.”

Dennis Rosenbaum, professor of criminology, law and justice, on crime reduction in big cities across the country last year, Jan. 3 NPR “All Things Considered


“If girls call themselves tomboys, it’s with a sense of pride. But boys make fun of other boys if they step just a little outside the rigid masculine stereotype.”

Barbara Risman, professor and head of sociology, inflexible gender stereotypes for men, Dec. 26 Los Angeles Times


“This is exactly the type of topic that RTA was given the audit authority to investigate.”

Stephen Schlickman, executive director of the Urban Transportation Center, on the need for an investigation into the weather-related problems experienced by Metra riders last week, Jan. 12 Chicago Sun-Times

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