UIC celebrates InterFaith Week

UIC is celebrating its third annual InterFaith Week Nov. 5-8, when students and employees can join the conversation about the diverse faiths represented on campus.
InterFaith Week will kick off with Prayer Day from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Nov. 5 in the Quad, and “550 Years of Sikhism” from 6-7 p.m. in Illinois Room C of Student Center East.
Eboo Patel, founder and [resident of Interfaith Youth Core, will be the keynote speaker from noon to 1 p.m. Nov. 6 in the Illinois Room of Student Center East. He will discuss “Interfaith Leadership in the time of Identity Politics.” RSVP at http://go.uic.edu/EbooPatel
“Take advantage of the opportunity to meet people of different faiths and join in the conversation,” said Andrew Freeman, UIC and IIT Jewish Life associate for Metro Chicago Hillel.
“There is going to be great visibility for students to experience all the events going on this InterFaith Week,” added Grace Ufot, director of student leadership and development with Campus Outreach.
Freeman is excited about the Faithfully Queer Stories on Nov. 7, “which will have students on board to share their personal experiences as people of faith while being part of the LGBTQ+ community.”
For a complete list of events, visit http://go.uic.edu/InterFaithWeek