CATE Teaching Guide on UDL

CATE Teaching Guide on Universal Design for Learning
Do you want to develop practices to create learning communities that value the diverse lived experiences of your students, foster a sense of belonging within your course or discipline, achieve more equitable student outcomes, and enjoy your teaching more as an instructor who has strong and authentic relationships with your students? The CATE team is developing new online resources, Teaching Guides, to provide evidence-based practices, in-depth examples, and actionable steps to enhance your teaching.

In this teaching guide on Universal Design for Learning, you will learn about the three principles of the UDL framework, how to implement UDL in your teaching, how to apply UDL principles to various course modalities at UIC, and how to evaluate UDL implementation in your classroom.

The Teaching Guides span a variety of topics and provide guidance on how to implement various techniques in different disciplines, course sizes and course modalities. They are organized under the following categories:

If you have any questions about the teaching guides, contact the Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence (CATE) staff at

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