Students find their place on campus
Students gathered in Student Center East last week to showcase their involvement in student organizations.
While looking for new recruits, student organizations also engaged visitors by talking about their group’s purpose and discussing the exciting opportunities available at UIC.
“It’s always good to see what’s around,” said Michael Torio, a participant at the Involvement Fair.
“It’s a quick, little reminder of what’s there,” said participant Tricia Dacpano.
The student organizations that were represented offered a range of experiences for students, from singing groups to religious organizations.
Below, left to right: Megan Quigley and Maryem Abdulla, Model United Nations; Mohit Dhande and Sutikshna Veeravalli, Dilinois a capella; Ali Terkel and Mike Milstein, UIC Levine Hillel. (Click image for larger size)