Call for proposals: joint research and innovation seed grants
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and the University of Illinois System (U of I) are launching a Joint Research and Innovation Seed Grants Program for university research scientists.
This program aims to facilitate research and development cooperation and delivery of talent, innovations and resources from these universities to the marketplace. The program will be interdisciplinary and the review process will assess innovation and commercialization potential. The goal is to promote economic development through R&D of innovative technologies, while facilitating cooperation between the two universities.
Priority areas for the program include agriculture, artificial intelligence, data science and medicine. Interdisciplinary initiatives are being encouraged. The program intends to support both initial and more advanced steps in a proof-of-concept collaboration.
Applications should address the commercial viability of the project; technical details and overall planning; clarification of intellectual property rights that are likely to be generated (position and strategy); plans for securing funding for the project at the end of this seed grant, and other forms of commercial discussion that are envisioned.