All Chancellor

Peter Schiffer, Lynn Pardie, and Mitra Dutta

April 8, 2014

New online portal helps researchers track grants

New system provides 24-hour access to financial data, project status

hands in the air

April 6, 2014

Undocumented students come ‘out of the shadows’

Group gathers Monday to share their stories, advocate for equal treatment

April 1, 2014

Committee appointed for chancellor search

Goal: new leader by beginning of spring semester 2015

Hand drawing UIC logo

March 25, 2014

Design students’ legacy: a new UIC identity

Seniors present ideas for new logo to reflect vibrancy of campus

March 20, 2014

UIC receives ‘request for qualifications’ to be site of Obama Library

Chancellor says institution’s public mission “parallels the Obama agenda of social justice”

Ariel Willingham

March 18, 2014

Getting to know the people behind the data

Grad student Ariel Willingham works to prevent health disparities

Cai O’Connell at the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics

March 18, 2014

Volunteers recount experiences at Olympic Games

Student, recent grad talk share behind-the-scenes stories from Sochi

Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr.

March 18, 2014

‘We must break the culture of ignorance’

Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks to UIC crowd in Student Center East

A pink line train passes in front of the UI Hospital

March 11, 2014

Trustees approve UI Health reorganization, begin presidential search

Plan joins UIC’s clinical enterprise, health science colleges by 2015

Zora Young performs

March 7, 2014

UIC Black History Month ends with the blues

24th annual event spotlights Chicago musicians

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