April 29, 2014
Student scientists showcase work to legislators‘Posters Under the Dome’ highlights importance of undergraduate research
April 29, 2014
Researcher honored for studies of BPA, cancerGail Prins studies link between prostate cancer, chemical in plastics
April 22, 2014
State Dept scholarships send students to learn language, cultureUndergraduates spending summers in India, Oman through intensive scholarship program
April 22, 2014
Spotlight on women’s health at inaugural eventConference Monday focuses on medicine, neuroscience
April 19, 2014
Doctors uncertain about ordering, interpreting lab testsStudy finds physicians would welcome software, hotline help
April 15, 2014
Research would prevent drivers from falling asleep at the wheelMD/PhD student Jonathan Waxman studies effects of sleep deprivation
April 8, 2014
Pioneering reconstructive transplant surgeon joins UICLed team that performed first near-total face transplant in U.S.
April 8, 2014
New approach leads to ‘only hope’ for successful kidney transplantUIC physicians use orphan drug to fight destructive antibodies
April 8, 2014
UI Health offers free head and neck cancer screeningsAt Mile Square Health Center locations
April 7, 2014
Free voice screenings for professional singersConsultations available to musicians without health insurance