Inclusive Open Government Data for Environmental Justice: Enhancing Community Stakeholders’ Voices

Date / Time

February 8, 2023

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


UIC Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement presents

Civic Engagement Lunch Talk

“Inclusive Open Government Data for Environmental Justice: Enhancing Community Stakeholders’ Voices

Presented by:

Federica Fusi, assistant professor, UIC Department of Public Policy, Management and Analytics

Fengxiu Zhang, assistant professor, Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University

Jiaqi Liang, assistant professor, UIC Department of Public Policy, Management and Analytics  

Wednesday, Feb. 8, noon-1 p.m.

Virtual, on Zoom

Register for the event.

This talk will share how the project calls attention to the implementation of open government data as a critical tool for environmental justice policymaking. Using website data and data from a national survey of public managers working in U.S. state environmental agencies, we will discuss the following questions: To what extent do government agencies adopt open and inclusive data practices? When and to what extent are vulnerable communities actively involved in data governance? Results provide insights to strengthen the civic engagement of EJ community stakeholders and increase government responsiveness to the data divide.

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