Excellence in Teaching: Patrick Troy
Each year, UIC honors some of its most dedicated and outstanding teachers with the Award for Excellence in Teaching. The winners, who receive a $5,000 salary increase, are selected by past recipients of the award from nominations made by departments and colleges.
Years at UIC: 28
What does it mean to win the Excellence in Teaching Award?
It certainly is nice to be recognized as being good in what you like doing.
What do you teach?
Programming Techniques
How do you engage students in your courses?
Mostly by finding examples that the student can understand and relate to.
What do you enjoy most about teaching at UIC?
Interacting with the students.
What are your research interests?
Computer science education
What is your advice to students who just graduated Dec. 15?
You have accomplished a huge goal in earning your degree, but don’t think you have stopped learning. You will learn to do more things and be asked to accomplish more things. Take your degree as the affirmation that you are able to complete any future challenges you will encounter.