For the holidays, shop really local: CDs from UIC musicians

“Blues from Below,” debut album by Jacob Schulz, urban planning student and blues singer, offers original tunes and favorite covers.
Need a holiday gift for the music lover in your family?
Talented UIC students and faculty members have new CD releases out, just in time for holiday shopping.
UIC’s latest music releases include:
• “Blues from Below,” debut album by Brother Jacob, aka Jacob Shulz, a junior in urban and public affairs. “The CD is half original songs and half cover songs,” he said. “I had written my original songs two or three years ago and as for the cover songs, they’re all from artists I really admire.”
• “Intuition,” the UIC Jazz Ensemble’s debut album. The CD, recorded at the Shure Microphone Performance and Listening Center under the direction of conductor Joel Spencer, is available on the first floor of the UIC Bookstore in Student Center East.
• “Mood Point” by Bakerz Million features top Chicago jazz musicians, including UIC Jazz Ensemble director Andy Baker.
• “The Poet,” the third CD release by Marquis Hill, teaching associate in music, showcases the trumpeter’s skills on modern jazz tracks.
• “Undisclosed Location” features original works by modern jazz pianist Dan Murphy, lecturer in music, and new arrangements of jazz standards.
• “Chasing Mars,” an eponymous release by the Chicago synth-pop band with Neven Armic, class of ’10.
Recent releases by UIC musicians include (L-R) Marquis Hill’s “The Poet,” the UIC Jazz Ensemble’s “Intuition,” Andy Baker’s “Mood Point” by Bakerz Million, and “Undisclosed Location” featuring works by Dan Murphy.