Honoring some of UIC’s best teachers

Carole Mitchener, one of four winners of the Award for Excellence in Teaching. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services
The Award for Excellence in Teaching is UIC’s only peer-selected teaching award; each year’s winners are chosen by previous ones.
“When I walk into a school, I think, ‘This is why I do this,’” says Carole Mitchener, associate professor of education, one of four winners of this year’s award.
“I’m so passionate about what we’re doing,” she says of the graduate program she directs, which recruits science teachers for high-need middle and high schools.
Read about the latest winners:
Promoting social justice, human rights: Mark Mattaini
Recruiting teachers to high-need schools: Carole Mitchener
A hands-on approach to learning: Michael J. Scott, engineering
Raising the bar for ‘dream’ students: Luigi Salerni