In Daley Library, fourth floor is the place to study, socialize

The fourth floor of the Daley Library is often the most crowded — it’s a great place to work on homework and socialize, students say. Photo: Alex Rauch

By Rana Khatib

Every student has a preference for where they like to study.

Some prefer Douglas Hall, the Montgomery Ward Lounge or campus computer labs. Although the campus offers a variety of study areas, some are more crowded than others.

The Daley Library is one of the more popular spots, and there’s a difference in where you study.

Students who enjoy the quiet study on the third floor.

But the fourth floor of the library is often the most crowded. Why is it that many students prefer the loudest, busiest area?

Some go because they like the location, others enjoy the fact that they can socialize, and some like what it offers, including numerous power outlets.

“The fourth floor is loud, but not too loud so it’s easy to focus without it being too quiet or too noisy,” senior Sarwat Ali said.

“My friends usually study there, too, so it’s easy to work in groups and socialize.”

Junior Thomas Tran said the noise makes it easy for him to study with bigger groups.

“This would be the first place I check,” he said. “I feel more comfortable having a discussion there because it doesn’t bother other people since everyone is too busy with their own conversation.”

The fourth floor also offers helpful tools, Tran said.

“It has a printer and a whole row of computers; I don’t have to go anywhere far if I need to print something or forget my computer,” he said.

But the fourth floor is distracting for others.

“There are always those other students who don’t have anything better to do than to sit down and be a distraction,” said senior Iman Alshahin.

Some students use the space for reasons other than schoolwork, said senior Ahmed Ali.

“People take advantage of it and socialize instead of study,” he said.

But Ali still prefers to study there.

“I find it more productive to do my homework there than home,” he said. “I always go to the fourth floor because I need a place where I can talk and communicate to others.”

• Rana Khatib is a senior in English.

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