Keeping the magic of the wizarding world alive

While “flying” on broomsticks, UIC students practice their Quidditch skills. “Anyone can be part of the team,” says team president Gilcy Aquino. Photo: S.K. Vemmer
Walking the quad is definitely not the same as walking the magical grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but a group of ambitious UIC students have found a way to bridge the two academic worlds.
UIC Quidditch, the official sport of the wizarding world, is a new student intramural team.
In the Harry Potter series, players on quidditch teams represent four “houses” of the school and play each other throughout the year. At UIC, the team plays as an intramural with students divided equally into teams. Each team includes players with distinct roles — offensive and defensive positions, similar to football.
Players in the semicontact sport “fly” on broomsticks as they try to score goals.
Gilcy Aquino, a sophomore in English, is president and founder of the team. The idea of starting the team stems from her avid interest in Harry Potter.
Like many UIC students, she felt the need to keep the spirit of the magical world alive and set out to create the team. A year of dedication and perseverance later, the UIC Quidditch Team has 30 members, with more joining the team every practice.
“Anyone can be part of the team as long as they are a student with a love for Harry Potter!”Aquino said.
The team plans to join the International Quidditch Association and will compete with other schools regionally, Aquino said.
Whether people come to watch players or to actually take part in the fun, Quidditch has definitely made a huge splash on the campus recreation scene.
UIC students might not have been lucky enough to receive a letter inviting them to Hogwarts during their preteen years, but by joining the UIC Quidditch team, they still have the opportunity to be part of the wizarding world.
“It’s nice because we are so different from the traditional intermural sports that UIC has to offer,” Aquino said. “Think about it. How many people can say, ‘I had quidditch practice today?’ It’s something different and unique.”
Practices are held at the MAC gym in the Student Recreation Facility from 5 to 7 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays all year round.
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