Media Advisory: Move-in Day 2022 

Incoming freshmen move into UIC in 2021. More than 3,000 students will live on campus this fall.

Hundreds of University of Illinois Chicago administrators, staff, student volunteers and student-athletes will welcome first-year students and help them move into residence halls for the fall 2022 semester. 


Wednesday, Aug. 17 
(Move-in starts at 8 a.m. with the largest number of residents arriving between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.) 


Media is asked to gather at the Academic and Residential Complex, 940 W. Harrison St., (northeast corner of Harrison and Morgan streets).  

Prior to moving into the eight residence halls on campus, students and their families will collect keys from several designated locations and proceed to their residence halls where volunteers provide support for “Drop and Go” unloading to help speed the move-in process. 


About 1,360 first-year students will be living on campus this fall. More than 3,000 students in total will live on campus in one of UIC’s eight residence halls.  

Students will be able to be accompanied by their families and other members of their group to help them unload. Masks are not required but are strongly encouraged, as well as social distancing. 

First-year students will be welcomed by volunteers, including university administrators, fraternity and sorority life members, Flames men’s and women’s basketball team members, and incoming UIC Campus Housing first-year students who will have completed a leadership program called Project Lead. Student volunteers are fellow residents who volunteer to be part of the Flames Welcome Crew. These student volunteers and student leaders work not only on Move-In Day but also throughout the week to welcome fellow residents back to campus. 

Media is welcome. Media parking is available on the Ida B. Wells Parkway across from the complex. Media wishing to cover the event should RSVP to, (cellphone) 312-731-8845. 

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