Navigating winter cycling safely at UIC

As the winter season transforms the UIC campus into a snowy landscape, it’s more important than ever to engage in safe cycling practices. Get information and tips at an upcoming seminar on Safe Winter Cycling, sponsored by Planning, Sustainability and Project Management.

Dave Glowacz, a certified instructor with The League of American Bicyclists who is known worldwide as “Mr. Bike,” will lead the seminar. With over 20 years of experience educating Chicago cyclists, he is a sought-after resource by both experienced and inexperienced riders.

The seminar will be held Feb. 15 at the Engineering Research Facility, Room 1043, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. It is supported by the Sustainability Fund in order to encourage the use of eco-friendly transportation. Essential topics like selecting appropriate gear, bike maintenance in cold weather and mastering safe navigation in snowy conditions will be addressed.

“I often ride to campus in winter, and it’s simpler than you might think,” said Matt Rundquist, PSPM carbon neutral program director. “I wear basic gear like a well-worn hat, gloves, a winter coat and sturdy boots — there’s no need for anything fancy or expensive.”

The seminar is designed to provide information for everyone. Individuals who depend on bicycles as their main mode of transportation will obtain guidance needed to ensure seamless and secure travel. And those who are interested in incorporating winter cycling into their routines will receive practical tips to ensure enjoyable, safe and efficient rides.

The seminar is open to UIC students, faculty and staff, and registration is required. Those in attendance will be entered into a drawing that includes a free annual Divvy membership and other door prizes.

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