No tuition increase for in-state freshmen next fall

Trustees elected Edward McMillan as chair at Thursday’s meeting. “Our board is committed to building on its rich legacy of excellence,” he says. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services
For the first time in more than two decades, there will be no base tuition increase for in-state U of I freshmen next fall after university trustees approved tuition and housing rates Thursday at their meeting in Student Center West.
Tuition for in-state freshmen next fall will remain $10,584 per year at UIC, $12,036 at Urbana-Champaign and $9,405 at UIS.
“We want to remain competitive with peer institutions and our top priority is to ensure access,” said Christophe Pierre, university vice president for academic affairs.
Tuition rates for nonresident freshmen and graduate and professional students will increase about 2 percent, “modest, inflation-related increases,” Pierre said.
“It’s a tremendous move on behalf of students and their parents,” trustee Ricardo Estrada said. “It signifies a commitment to being even more judicious and efficient in the way we use our resources.”
Under the state’s guaranteed tuition law, passed in 2004, tuition rates are fixed for four years.
“That’s very unique and a huge piece of the puzzle,” trustee Timothy Koritz said. “It’s state law and it’s a wonderful idea because it helps families plan a budget to send their kids to school.”
Tuition differentials, which cover additional costs in selected areas of study, will increase for freshmen in some UIC programs.
The differential will increase $50 to $170 a year for all freshmen enrolled in business administration, engineering, nursing, movement sciences/kinesiology and health information management. There will be no change in differentials for other Chicago academic units or on the Urbana-Champaign and Springfield campuses.
Student fees and housing rates will increase slightly next fall. At UIC, student fees rise $30 (2 percent) to $3,092 per year. Fees at Urbana-Champaign increase $34 per year and students at UIS will pay an additional $46 per year in fees. Student fees fund campus recreational facilities, student centers, career services, athletics, counseling centers and libraries. They also help pay for facility maintenance, renovations and utilities.
Undergraduate housing costs at UIC, based on the standard two-student room and 14-meal plan, will increase $210 (2 percent) to $10,728 each year. Housing rates will rise $152 at Urbana-Champaign and $50 at UIS.
In other business:
• The board elected trustee Edward McMillan as chair during the annual election of officers. He succeeds Christopher Kennedy, whose term ends Jan. 19. Gov. Bruce Rauner will appoint trustees to replace Kennedy and Pamela Strobel, whose term also expires this month.
McMillan, a U of I alumnus and national leader in agribusiness, has served on the board since 2009.
“I’ve seen first-hand how the university’s academic programs transform the lives of students and how its research discovery leads the way to progress and economic growth,” he said.
“Our board is committed to building on its rich legacy of excellence and extending its service to society for generations to come.”
• Trustees named Paula Allen-Meares, whose appointment as UIC chancellor ended Thursday, as chancellor emerita, and approved a one-time payment of $98,440 in incentive-based compensation. Allen-Meares joins the UIC faculty with an appointment in the College of Medicine.