Participants needed for Exercise and Blood Pressure Study

Participants needed for a study on the effects of weight training and aerobic training in African-Americans and Caucasians with blood pressure above 120/80 mmHg


-Individuals between the ages of 18-55

-Systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg or higher

-Participate in less than 90 minutes of exercise per week

Participation in this study includes: fitness evaluation and health screenings Ultrasound imaging and body fat analysis, 8 weeks of free individualized exercise training, and financial compensation

Where: UIC’s Clinical Research Center (CRC) and Integrative Physiology Lab (IPL)

If you are interested or have any questions, contact us at (312) 996-8774 or email us at

For more information, please contact:
Melissa Rader

Dr. Shane Phillips

Screening Survey

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