Segregated city

Dick Simpson

Dick Simpson, professor of political science, weighs in on a Brookings Institute report that says Chicago is the nation’s third-most segregated large city.

“The level of segregation in Chicago and the region is still scandalous.”

Dick Simpson, professor of political science, on a Brookings Institute report that Chicago is the nation’s third-most segregated large city, Jan. 5 WGN


“City planning must have physical activity in mind when making changes. The community has to create a culture to encourage physical activity by dedicating the appropriate resources.”

Jacob Haus, assistant professor of kinesiology, on how communities can combat obesity in adults in children, Jan. 5 WalletHub.


“The psychological effect of low gas prices is incredibly important. Is there any other commodity where you see the price every day just driving around?”

Lawrence Officer, professor of economics, on gas prices, Dec. 31 Chicago Tribune.



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