All orthopaedics

Hands massaging the base of the skull

December 15, 2015

New physical therapy residency accredited by national association

New program for licensed physical therapists speeds certification

Cody Lee

April 28, 2015

Sports injury helped shape Riddle Prize winner’s future

‘My No. 1 goal is to be a physician who is compassionate’

Maria Siemionow

April 8, 2014

Pioneering reconstructive transplant surgeon joins UIC

Led team that performed first near-total face transplant in U.S.

Maria Siemionow

April 3, 2014

Reconstructive transplant surgeon joins UIC

Polish physician performed first face transplant in U.S.

Riad Barmada

January 29, 2014

Orthopaedic surgeon Riad Barmada, 84

Former head of orthopaedics worked to bring more women, minorities to field

Wayne Goldstein

October 10, 2013

Orthopaedic surgeon receives UIC College of Medicine alumni award

Orthopedic surgeon pioneered hip replacement technique