The PATHway Study: Primary care based depression prevention in adolescents

We are recruiting teens and parents for a depression prevention clinical trial called the PATHway study. Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees (UIC) and Dr. Tracy Gladstone (Brown University) are co-prinicipal investigators on the study. See below for more information. You can email the project director Matthew Lowther ( with further questions.

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What is the PATHway Study?

The PATHway study is a free, voluntary research program for teenagers who want to improve their mood and learn coping skills to manage difficult situations. Pioneered by leading universities, the PATHway research study will test how to best help teens build healthy lifestyles and prevent feeling down.

Inclusion criteria:

  • Adolescents ages 13 through 17 and adults 18 years old.
  • Participants must be experiencing an elevated level of depressive symptoms.
  • Participants will be included if they have had past depressive episode/s, but not if they are in a current depressive episode.
  • Lives in the United States.
  • Has a parent/caregiver willing to participate in the program alongside them.

The study includes:

  • Some phone calls from our research team.
  • Access to an online program that teaches coping skills to reduce stress.
  • Parent interventions.
  • Completion of four online surveys.
  • Payment for your time and efforts.

Study Team: A team of health care professionals and researchers from Illinois and Massachusetts working together to find a way to help promote health and well-being in teens.

The PATHway study is a virtual program designed to help teenagers develop healthy life habits and deal with the stressful things in their lives.

The CATCH-IT (Competent Adulthood Transition with Cognitive-behavioral and Interpersonal Training) online program teaches teens how to deal with feeling sad and down, and ways to manage these moods.

Since we are testing which parts of the CATCH-IT program help teens the most, you may receive only some parts of the program or no parts of the program.  We cannot promise any benefits to you by taking part in this research since success of the partial program is not known.

Teens: The PATHway study can teach you to have a healthy lifestyle so that you will be able to better face the challenges you meet in your everyday life. It can be fun to be a teenager, but of course teenagers also experience a lot of stress. Some of us are better than others at managing that stress. PATHway is designed to help teenagers develop healthy life habits and deal with the stressful

Parents/caregivers: Receive information on what your teens are learning as a part of P2P and the steps you can take to promote well-being. If your teen is eligible to participate and you give permission, you and your teen are free to withdraw from the study at any time.

What teens are saying:

“The thing that helped me most was probably the check-ups. People would call and ask me, oh, how are you doing? It would bring me back….to be able to reflect on my feelings, and how I have really been doing. Not many people ask me. So, when someone asks me…it’s a way to reflect. Am I ok….really?”

-16-year-old participant

“It is actually fairly simple. I made my account and went through all the modules. I did try applying the things that were going on within the modules into my own life, because I’ve been going through a really rough time. Going through the modules and trying to use the stuff that is in the modules and applying it to real life actually helped.”

– 17-year-old participant

Tracking my thoughts and feelings has really helped me see why I get sad or angry. It was really helpful in understanding why I get so down.”

– 15-year-old participant


Contact us to learn more:

Phone: 1-844-428-7878



For more information, please contact:
Matthew Lowther

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Research Studies