UIC has hope

hope blog

Hello, readers! I know that I have been MIA for this month. Writing papers, planning two events outside of school, setting up photo shoots and arranging the Battle of the Bands will do that to you. However, I am back and I have a serious matter that I wanted to shine light upon.

It was only last week when UIC Radio had its second annual Battle of the Bands. It was a wonderful turnout this year and we had the chance to partner with a Chicago-based nonprofit organization.

Hope for the Day is a nonprofit that’s mission is to use the power of music to help prevent suicide through the manifestation of the imaginative mind. This nonprofit was founded by Jonny Boucher, a man who decided to take his music background and turn it into something that can cause change.

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for the age range of 10-24 years old. It’s the third-leading cause of death for college students. It’s a scary thought but it’s necessary to acknowledge it.

I’m sure that every single one of us on campus has been through or knows someone who at one point needed to reach out for help. That’s my main message here, is to never be afraid to reach out for help.

If you have some spare time this Spring Break, take a look at Hope for the Day’s website and I’m sure you’ll see that there are some great people who are helping out.

At Battle of the Bands, Hope for the Day brought a banner that says, “UIC has Hope.” The banner was signed by practically everyone who was there and UIC Radio will be hanging it up in our studio as a symbol of our partnership with them. Look for it after you return from break!

As I wrote on the banner, from one of my favorite songs from Foster the People: “There is a hope for the hopeless. I can promise you that.”

Kris Fuentes Cortes (F)


Kris Fuentes Cortes is a senior in communication, a Boston native, an active student around campus, and a dreamer of working in the world of music. She wants to become a tour manager for a band and travel internationally while she’s still young. She’s the assistant marketing director for UIC Radio.


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