UIC Open House 2017 All-Access Pass

college prep; open houseProspective students, nostalgic alum, local residents and media are invited to attend Open House 2017, the all-access pass to the University of Illinois at Chicago, the city’s only public research university. The daylong event offers many options to choose from to receive a total immersion of what UIC has to offer.

En Español


Saturday, Sept. 16

8 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Student Center East

750 S. Halsted St.


As a highly ranked university known for its excellence, value, diversity and earning power, UIC offers an exciting campus life in the heart of Chicago and boasts Division 1 sports. Through the UIC Open House, prospective students and others will have more than a hundred opportunities to listen in on distinguished faculty discussing current topics, observe state of the art lab and studio demonstrations and engage in family-friendly activities in the quad.

“We’re trying to open as many doors as possible to provide a sample of student life and student experiences, but we’re also trying to provide a small, hopefully compelling, look at the kinds of things people are doing here,” says Oscar Rodriguez, director of recruitment and outreach at UIC. “It’s about showcasing the learning, engagement, research and the development of knowledge that happens on campus.”

UIC Latino Cultural Center's mural tour; open houseIn addition, financial aid experts will offer financial aid presentations to give prospective students and their families clear and detailed information about the financial aid process.

Plan to start the day at the Student Center East. Walking tours of the campus and housing structures will offer opportunities to experience UIC firsthand throughout the day. There will be sessions offering everything from foreign language courses to computer science and electronic visualization lab experiences. To plan the day and build an agenda, browse the Open House Desktop App for a schedule.

Registration is required. To register, receive a complimentary parking pass and to learn more go to Openhouse.uic.edu.

Follow @apply2uic on Twitter and Instagram for play-by-play updates throughout the day. Share UIC Open House experiences using the hashtag #UICOH. Instagram posts with the hashtag will be available in the Quad to take home.

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