UIC Recycling Week

Dear students, faculty and staff,

Each Nov. 15, the country celebrates America Recycles Day, the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States.

At UIC, we’ll be shining a spotlight on recycling for the entire week in order to advance its climate commitment to become a zero waste university. To achieve this goal, we’re asking each member of the UIC community to do their part to reduce waste and increase recycling in all campus buildings.

Each day next week, we’ll be highlighting a different way to help make our campus more sustainable by featuring the following topics:

  • Monday: bottles and cans.
  • Tuesday: paper and cardboard.
  • Wednesday: special collections like batteries, pens, toner cartridges and plastic film.
  • Thursday: electronics.
  • Friday: outdoor recycling.

We want to make it easy for everyone to make recycling a daily habit at UIC. Recycling bins have been placed in all buildings so that paper, plastic, metal and glass can be collected and recycled. Some buildings also have bins for special collections items, and most offices provide a recycling container/basket and a “sidecar” container for non-recyclable material in each employee’s workspace. You’ll also find signage that tells you not only what can be recycled on campus, but what cannot. And when in doubt, throw it out!

Many of you are already active participants in UIC’s recycling efforts, and we are grateful for your willingness to do your part to make our campuses more sustainable. But for those of you who aren’t sure what you can do to help, we encourage you to learn more by watching a short video, visiting one of our Student Centers tabling events next week between 10 a.m. and noon, and subscribing to Greenlights, UIC’s sustainability newsletter. You can also visit the recycling and zero waste webpage to view a variety of campus recycling information and resources.

We appreciate your support of UIC’s recycling initiatives and commitment to helping the university meet its sustainability goals. Let’s make our first UIC Recycling Week a great one!

John Coronado
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

David Taeyaerts
Associate Vice Chancellor of Planning, Sustainability and Project Management and Campus Architect

Clarence Bridges
Executive Director, Facilities Management

For more information, please contact:
Mykhailo Bogdanov

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