UIC Zoom account updates

ACCC will be updating UIC Zoom cloud recording settings in an effort to provide a more secure recording functionality and remain compliant with recording mandates. As a reminder, Zoom has recording features that enable hosts and co-hosts to record Zoom sessions. Recorded sessions are saved to the Zoom cloud and can be accessed in your UIC Zoom account under Recordings.
The following changes are being made to Zoom Cloud Recording settings on Friday, Aug. 21 at 9:30am. These changes will impact all current and new Zoom users:
- Cloud Recording Downloads — By default, the ability for anyone with a link to the cloud recordings, to download the recording, will be turned off. Hosts can still enable this download access for specific recordings.
- Only Authenticated users will be able to view cloud recordings — By default, only those individuals who have a University of Illinois Zoom account will be able to view cloud recordings. Hosts can turn off this setting as a default for all of their recordings, or on a per-recording basis. Please recall, all UIC faculty, staff, and students, outside of the Hospital and clinics, can create a UIC Zoom account by visiting uic.zoom.us.
- Recording Disclaimer will be required. Illinois law requires that individuals be made aware, and have the opportunity to decline, being recorded. This feature will prompt participants to agree to being recorded, or gives them the option to leave the meeting. Zoom will also ask the host to confirm before starting a recording. These settings will be required – hosts will not be able to disable this.
- Those participants who are only connected via phone will receive multiple audio notifications of recording starting, stopping, or resuming.
- Auto-deletion of cloud recordings after 180 days – With the rapid increase in the utilization of Zoom since it was first made available at UIC in March, there is a need to manage the storage space available for cloud recordings. For this reason, cloud recordings will be automatically deleted after 180 days. Hosts are still able to recover a recording for 30 days after deletion. ACCC will be reaching out directly to those clients who have recordings that will expire in the coming month. To learn more about Zoom recordings, visit answers.uillinois.edu/uic/99169
Please visit ACCC Answers for more information on Zoom and contact consult@uic.edu with any questions.