University Scholar Stacey Horn

Stacey Horn

Stacey Horn, professor of educational psychology. Photo: Jenny Fontaine

For the last two decades, Stacey Horn’s research has focused on how young people deal with issues of exclusion, bullying and harassment primarily related to sexual orientation, gender and gender identity.

Horn, department chair of educational psychology and a professor in the College of Education, said her mission has been to help vulnerable groups of young people. Her peers are supporting this mission, and this year nominated her to receive a University Scholar award.

“As someone who cares about the lives of young people — and how to ensure that the contexts they are in are free from harassment generally, but also specifically related to sexual orientation, gender and gender identity — having my research and my scholarship recognized in this way sends a message to me that the university values all people,” Horn said. “It is an extreme honor to get this award.”

In their nominating letters, Kimberly Lawless, associate dean for research and professor of educational psychology, and Marc Van Overbeke, associate dean for academic affairs and associate professor of educational policy studies, said Horn was well deserving of the honor. Horn is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in her discipline, they said.

“Dr. Horn is one of a rare breed in academia who exceeds performance expectations across all three main categories of faculty work: research, teaching and service,” they wrote.

In particular, they singled out her research for advancing knowledge on how social-cognitive development, social norms and social institutions influence the ways that adolescents think about relationships and harassment from peers.

Her colleagues and students describe her as a “highly skilled teacher and mentor” who has earned top marks in teaching effectiveness. A 2011 recipient of the UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, Horn continues to influence her students through her work.

A former student said Horn’s course, “really had me thinking about aspects of education that I hadn’t previously thought about.”

Horn has championed the development of two new degree programs on the undergraduate and graduate levels that focus on human development and learning. As the department chair for educational psychology, she has helped double the size of the department and increased research and programming to respond to the needs of students, their employees and the public.

In the last two years, Horn has published three books concentrating on issues of equity and justice for adolescents. Over her career, she has edited two special issues of prestigious journals, published more than 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and authored multiple technical and policy reports for government and community-based organizations. In addition, she has been instrumental in procuring nearly $2 million in funding for her work and related projects, according to Lawless and Overbeke.

“I am continually impressed and inspired by her commitment to expand the breadth and depth of her research, teaching, and service,” said Alfred Tatum, dean of the UIC College of Education. “Moreover, she is a great human being.”

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