Up for an Oscar

Edgar Barens on his way to the Academy Awards

Edgar Barens, documentary filmmaker and media specialist in the Jane Addams College of Social Work.

“I think that in the United States, particularly when it comes to large-scale testing, especially since No Child Left Behind, we are testing too much.”

James Pellegrino, co-director of the UIC Learning Sciences Research Institute and distinguished professor of psychology and education, on the future of educational assessment and how it will change teaching and learning, March 5 Education Week


“We might be able to appreciate more subtle differences that aren’t detectable when you’re looking at what is essentially three-dimensional data in two dimensions.”

Olusola Ajilore, assistant professor of psychiatry, on the use of CAVE technology in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory to create 3-D models of the brain, March 4 Nature Medicine


“There were a lot of talented people in that theater who did not come home with an Oscar.”

Edgar Barens, documentary filmmaker and media specialist in the Jane Addams College of Social Work, on missing out on an Oscar March 2 for his film “Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall,” March 3 Chicago Sun-Times


“I think it’s kind of a blind alley to think that if we just get the right text and reading list that students will just get better.”

Gerald Graff, professor of English and education, on the debate over whether high school students should study the classics or contemporary literature, March 7 Chicago Tribune

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