VoiceThread available in Blackboard

VoiceThread is an interactive collaboration tool available in Blackboard that can be used to encourage student discussion and build community in asynchronous learning settings. Online discussion boards are usually text-based and can sometimes limit the types of conversations in online learning environments, whereas VoiceThread allows instructors to create multimedia content and generate a conversation around it using text, audio, and video.
In addition, Zoom integration and automated closed-captioning have recently been enabled for VoiceThread in Blackboard. LTS and VoiceThread hosted a webinar on August 10 VoiceThread Training for UIC that demonstrated how to use VoiceThread and covered these two features.
Click here to learn more about VoiceThread and how to use it to build community, encourage discussion and build social presence. Don’t miss the August 14 webinar with Dr. Kee Chan, from UIC School of Public Health, as she demonstrates how to use VoiceThread as a student engagement tool.
Please contact LTS@uic.edu with any questions.