February 3, 2021
Students in virtual course delve into archives to analyze role of women in politics in 20th century ChicagoStudents will learn about women’s movements in Chicago, how to conduct archival research, and more
February 1, 2021
Student-led initiative builds community, provides support for studentsSupervised by the UIC Counseling Center, United Support Network creates inclusive space for UIC students
February 1, 2021
In person or over Zoom, UIC students help the communityNearly 200 students spent their day off volunteering in the Chicago community for the MLK Day of Service
January 28, 2021
Meet Sparky: Official mascot of the UIC FlamesBorn from the embers of the Great Chicago Fire, Sparky is no ordinary dragon
January 26, 2021
UIC’s online bachelor’s degree programs ranked No. 2 in the nation for 2021The University of Illinois Chicago again received national recognition for its high-quality online bachelor’s degree programs.
January 13, 2021
Students awarded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ScholarshipTwenty-five students honored for academic achievements, community service
January 7, 2021
UIC’s Food Recovery Network recognized for collecting most food for homeless sheltersUIC group collected most pounds of food last fall among chapters nationwide
December 21, 2020
Student competitors get set for national Clarion CaseHealth sciences students practice interdisciplinary skills
December 15, 2020
Take the UIC Student Survey on BurnoutSurvey created by a coalition of UIC student organizations
December 12, 2020
UIC holds virtual graduation ceremonyThere were 1,860 undergraduate students, 1,357 graduate students and 71 UIC John Marshall graduates honored.