February 18, 2014
Researchers link loss of gene function to diabetesInsulin not released in bloodstream, researchers find
February 11, 2014
Exposure to BPA linked to prostate cancer later in lifeCommon chemical in plastics ‘hard to avoid’
February 11, 2014
Neurobiologist, physicist lauded for scientific contributionsTwo honored by American Association for the Advancement of Science
February 4, 2014
Deaths: Riad Barmada, Waud KrackeOrthopaedist Riad Barmada, anthropologist Waud Kracke
January 29, 2014
Orthopaedic surgeon Riad Barmada, 84Former head of orthopaedics worked to bring more women, minorities to field
January 28, 2014
Research seeks improved treatment for children with asthmaRates of respiratory ailment disorder unusually high in Chicago
January 7, 2014
Startup ideas get a boost at Concept2Venture ChallengeUIC entrepreneurs pitch startups at business plan contest
January 7, 2014
BPA increases risk of cancer in human prostate tissueFetal exposure to common plastic additive may have serious results later
January 3, 2014
Loss of function of a single gene linked to diabetes in miceGene defect prevents insulin from ever reaching bloodstream
December 26, 2013
Beatboxing poses little risk of injury to voiceEntire vocal tract used to produce distinctive sound, helps spare the pipes