Dance & Movement Workshops with 2021 UIC 3Arts Residency Fellows: The Art of Storytelling Through Vogue with Willyum LaBeija

Date / Time

March 31, 2021

11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Dance & Movement Workshops with 2021 UIC 3Arts Residency Fellows 

The Art of Storytelling Through Vogue with Willyum LaBeija

Weds. March 31



Coming up:

Dance & Movement Workshops with 2021 UIC 3Arts Residency Fellows 

Moving Together: A Responsive Movement Workshop with Robby Lee Williams

Tues. April 6



Access Info: CART and ASL will be provided. Contact or 312-355-7050 for any other access requests.

ID: Hot pink and White text on a deep blue background, with small hot pink, blue, and purple toned images for each workshop: LaBeija in a nightlife scene with radiant ornamentation on their cheeks and forehead; and Williams with a dance partner, leaning toward one another on either side of a brick wall. Along the bottom are logos for 3Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, with “This project is funded in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts to 3Arts,” followed by logos for Bodies of Work, the UIC Disability Cultural Center, and the UIC Department for Disability and Human Development.

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