From philately to midwifery, UIC alumni make their mark on world

Proud to be UIC: UIC Alumni Award winners (L-R) Bill Raffeld (theatre professor emeritus), Cheryl Ganz (’05 PhD history), Michael Fung (’73 CBA), Chancellor Michael Amiridis, Mary Ellen Stanton (’75 MS nursing), Dan Yunker (’92 psychology), and Alumni Association president Loren Taylor. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services
Five UIC alumni who’ve changed the world in different ways — with accomplishments that span many different fields — were honored by the university and Chancellor Michael Amiridis Sept. 18.
Michael Fung: Nice guys don’t have to finish last
Cheryl Ganz: Stamp collector extraordinaire
Bill Raffeld: His dedication is no act
Mary Ellen Stanton: Making childbirth safe for all women
Dan Yunker: Consumer-oriented, affordable health insurance