Join us for SparkTalks: Feb. 1
We’re pleased to announce the order of presentations for the next SparkTalks on Thursday, Feb. 1, featuring a variety of UIC’s thought leaders and experts.
Please join us as we showcase the inspiring knowledge, discovery and innovation happening at UIC during this engaging series of impactful talks.

Igniting the thoughts and solutions of influential UIC changemakers to inspire and create a better world.
36 presenters • 3-minute talks • 2 hours of inspiration
Please Join Us
Thursday, Feb. 1
1-4:30 p.m.
Student Center East (SCE) Illinois Rooms
750 S. Halsted St.
Explore the order of presentations.
Employees may be released from work without loss of pay to attend such events and meetings whenever operations permit. As long as supervisors receive adequate notice of such approved events and meetings and coverage can be arranged, every effort should be made by departments to release employees to attend.
For more information, please contact:
Office of the Chancellor
Please contact Judee Olechno ( or Tyler Nielsen ( for questions/concerns.