New enrollment record at UIC

UIC enrollment is at record levels for fall 2013. Photo/Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services (click on image for larger size)
The University of Illinois at Chicago this week reported record total student enrollment for the second time in the last three years.
UIC’s total enrollment for the 2013-14 academic year, measured officially on the 10th day of classes, is 27,589 students, an increase of 77 students over last year’s total and 9 students more than the previous enrollment record in 2011.
This year’s student body consists of 16,660 undergraduates, 8,186 graduate students and 2,743 professional students. Graduate and professional enrollments remain at record highs, while the undergraduate total decreased by 11 students (less than one-tenth of a percent) from the 16,671 mark in 2012.
“The campus has made so many changes over the past 10 years that a lot of people who have impressions of UIC find that they are very dated,” says Kevin Browne, UIC vice provost for academic and enrollment services. “It’s about putting the university into context so students and families can make a good choice on where they want to go for the next four years.”
The entering freshman class of 3,104 is down by 0.6 percent from fall 2012. New undergraduate transfers total 1,640, which represents a 13 percent increase above the fall 2012 figure and its highest level since fall 2010.
Diversity continues to be a hallmark of UIC, with no racial or ethnic majority among its students. For the first time, the cohort of new transfers also has no racial or ethic majority.
Racial and ethic distribution for all students on campus is 41.9 percent white, 18.8 percent Asian, 18.6 percent Hispanic/Latino and 7.9 percent African-American. For undergraduates, the figures are 37.8 percent white, 24.7 percent Hispanic/Latino, 22.4 percent Asian, and 7.8 percent African-American.
For this fall’s admissions, UIC became the first public university in Illinois to use the Common Application, an online undergraduate admission application shared by more than 500 colleges and universities.
“It’s a much more vibrant tool that our old campus application,” Browne said. “The applications were much more complete, and applications were up overall.”
UIC ranks among the nation’s leading research universities and is Chicago’s largest university with 27,589 students, 12,000 faculty and staff, 15 colleges and the state’s major public medical center. A hallmark of the campus is the Great Cities Commitment, through which UIC faculty, students and staff engage with community, corporate, foundation and government partners to improve the quality of life in metropolitan areas around the world.