For the Media

All news releases

Father_child reading

March 22, 2023

New UIC early learning website focuses on kindergarten readiness

The Ready Child is the latest installment of the College of Education’s early learning series

Collins Cardiss and Saperstein Esther collage

March 15, 2023

Pioneering female politicians’ papers available for review in UIC Library special collections

Cardiss Collins served 1973 to 1997 and Esther Saperstein served from 1957 to 1979 in elected offices

Darryl Brown

March 15, 2023

Friday: UIC medical students will meet their match

Match Day takes place on the same day and time at medical schools across the United States

Death and decay in the Pennsylvanian

March 8, 2023

Paleontologists flip the script on anemone fossils

Fossils long-interpreted as jellyfish found by UIC researcher to be sea anemones

March 6, 2023

With $13M, UIC scientists will study lung inflammation mechanisms

National Heart, Lung, and Blood grant advances UIC research on blood vessels and lung injury

February 28, 2023

Precarious work associated with high BMI

UIC study published in Obesity

February 16, 2023

Breast cancer disparity equally impacted by social determinants of health, tumor biology

JAMA Oncology study looks at data on deaths from early stage, estrogen receptor-positive tumors

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Javier Reyes

February 15, 2023

UIC Interim Chancellor Javier Reyes recommended as UMass Amherst Chancellor 

Javier Reyes, University of Illinois Chicago interim chancellor, has been […]

Treat diseases by degrading proteins

February 15, 2023

Hijacking our cells’ enzymes to eliminate disease-causing proteins

Researchers discover how proteins are selectively degraded in certain parts of cells

Krista Varady

February 14, 2023

Alternate-day fasting a good option for patients with fatty liver disease

Study shows diet combined with exercise decreases weight, improves metabolic markers

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