OVCR support for preparing research grant data management plans

Dear colleagues,  

The Office of Research Data Initiatives and Information within the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research continues to provide support in crafting or editing your research data management plans. For the upcoming fall and winter grant deadlines, these two-page documents are now a standard expectation for most federal agencies and private funders and will be score-driving for some before the end of the year. Professor Abigail Goben and her team can assist you in creating a plan that builds on university resources, meets funder obligations and supports the goals of your research.  

To request an appointment, please contact dmspsupport@uic.edu. 

In addition, the office is available for training and consultations for investigators, fellows, students and departmental staff to promote appropriate data sharing. Please complete this online form to request group training or individual consultation. Additional virtual Data Management Open Office Hours are held via Zoom on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 p.m. No appointments are required for these sessions.  


Joanna L. Groden, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research 

For more information, please contact:
Office of Research Data Initiatives & Information

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