Professor ranked among 200 most impactful education policy scholars

Pauline Lipman

University of Illinois at Chicago professor Pauline Lipman was ranked one of the nation’s top 200 most impactful university-based scholars in education policy last year, according to the yearly Education Week ranking released today.

Lipman, professor of educational policy studies and director of the Collaborative for Equity and Justice in Education at UIC, was named 165th in the 2019 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings. The yearly rankings come from Frederick M. Hess, American Enterprise Institute director of education policy studies and Education Week blogger.

The rankings spotlight the top 200 education scholars who move ideas from academic journals into the national conversation. Using nine metrics, Hess calculated how much university-based academics contributed to public discussions of education.

To be eligible, the academics were required to be university-based scholars with a formal university affiliation. They must focus primarily on “educational questions.”

“Given that more than 20,000 university-based faculty in the U.S. are researching education, simply making the Edu-Scholar list is an accomplishment in its own right,” according to ranking organizers.

The ranking scores include nine categories that looked at things like how often the scholar’s articles, books or papers are cited; how high books are ranked on Amazon; how often their works appear in syllabi of American, British, Canadian and Australian universities; the number of times the scholar was quoted or mentioned in Education Week, The Chronicle of Higher Education, or Inside Higher Education in 2018.

In addition, the ranking looked at the number of times a scholar was mentioned online, in newspapers in the Congressional Record last year and on Twitter.

“The rankings seek to acknowledge scholars who are actively engaged in public discourse and whose work has an impact on practice and policy,” according to the organizers.

Lipman’s teaching, research, and activism grow out of her commitment to social justice and liberation. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on race and class inequality in education, globalization and political economy of urban education, particularly the inter-relationship of education policy, urban restructuring and the politics of race.

She is a member of the leadership body of Teachers for Social Justice-Chicago and is active in coalitions of teachers and community organizations. Lipman is a co-director of the Data and Democracy Project and has co-led various collaborations with community organizations to produce policy reports that bring to light educational injustices and community-driven programs to transform urban schools.

For the full list go here:

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