Spring 2020 CTA Ventra U-PASS

Dear UIC students,
UIC students must register for a full-time course load by December 20, 2019 to receive their Spring 2020 CTA Ventra U-PASS. All eligible students will be assessed the $163 nonrefundable CTA transportation fee for the Spring session. Students are responsible for paying the fee even if they choose not to pick up their U-PASS. The U-PASS is not available to part-time students.
The Ventra U-PASS of returning students will activate on January 8, 2020. New students (including transfer students) must be registered and have an i-card picture on file by December 20, 2019 to pick up a U-PASS.
If you do not register, or do not have your i-card photo taken by December 20, 2019, you will need to allow extra time for your U-PASS to properly load or be printed and run the risk of incurring pay per ride fare charges that result in a negative transit account balance. Any outstanding balance will have to be paid to CTA before your UIC Ventra U-PASS will be loaded.
You can check the status of your card’s transit account balance at: https://www.ventrachicago.com/balance.
The UIC U-PASS is valid 5 days prior to the first day of classes and expires 5 days after the last day of finals. It is valid for unlimited travel on CTA buses and trains. Students in the College of Dentistry, College of Medicine, and the Corporate MBA program may have start and end dates that differ.
The last day to use your Ventra U-PASS for the Fall session is December 18, 2019. You can continue to use the same U-PASS card when school is out of session. However, it will function like a normal Ventra Card, so you must add funds to your account. Your U-PASS will be charged $2.50 for rail and $2.25 for bus. You can add funds online if you have a registered transit account at https://www.ventrachicago.com or at any Ventra Vending Machine, via the Ventra app, and at participating retail locations.
U-PASS Distribution Policies:
– Your valid i-card is required to pick up your U-PASS.
– You may not pick up another student’s U-PASS.
– You must currently be registered as a full-time student.
– Depending on when you registered, you may be asked to log-in to the Student Self Service system to provide proof of status.
The U-PASS program includes paratransit services for eligible students. Students who are unable to use fixed route public transportation due to a disability, may be eligible for Paratransit Service, a shared ride program offered by the Regional Transit Authority (RTA). Students must be certified by the RTA to use the service. For details, visit https://idcenter.uic.edu/cta-u-pass/about-u-pass, or contact the ID Center (312-413-5940) or the Disability Resource Center (312-413-2183).
Rex Tolliver
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
For more information, please contact:
ID Center