Status Committees 2022-23

Dear faculty, staff and students,

The University of Illinois Chicago is one of the nation’s most diverse university communities. That unique strength contributes to your success as a student, faculty or staff member, and to UIC’s position as a growing urban public research university in a rapidly globalizing world.

To further UIC’s mission of access and inclusion, the Chancellor’s Status Committees were established to empower everyone in our community to reach their fullest potential. At the beginning of each academic year, faculty, staff and students are nominated by existing committee members and appointed to each of the university’s status committees.

Each Status Committee serves as an advisory body dedicated to promoting the academic, professional, cultural and social welfare of historically underserved groups in our community, as well as providing guidance on the history, needs and resources available at UIC.

There are currently six Chancellor’s Status Committees: Committee on the Status of Asian Americans (CCSAA); Committee on the Status of Blacks (CCSB); Committee on the Status of Latinos (CCSL); Committee on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People (CCSLGBTQP); Committee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities (CCSPD) and Committee on the Status of Women (CCSW). If you are interested in joining any of these status committees, or simply attending a meeting to learn more, please reach out to the UIC Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement at 312-355-1308 or

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members who have served and continue to serve on these committees. We appreciate your time and efforts to enhance the student, faculty and staff experience, and our community’s wellbeing.


Michael Amiridis

Amalia Pallares
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Engagement

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