All chancellor

July 18, 2019

UIC opens new state-of-the-art living and learning community

The Academic and Residential Complex is the 10th residential hall on the UIC campus and newest since 2007

University Hall and other east side buildings with Chicago skyline

June 17, 2019

UIC commits to gender equality among campus leaders

Campus among signatories of the Chicago Network Equity Principles Campaign

Chancellor Michael Amiridis

May 7, 2019

UIC grads are ‘prepared to address the challenges of our times’

A letter to graduates from UIC Chancellor Michael Amiridis

Campus Compact logo

March 19, 2019

Estudiante de la UIC laureado con beca cívica nacional

Nicolas Robledo se une al selecto grupo de líderes.

Nicolas Robledo

March 19, 2019

UIC student honored with national civic fellowship

Nicolas Robledo joins select leadership cohort

March 8, 2019

Recognizing retirees’ dedication to UIC

Sharing gratitude, memories at the 43rd Annual Retirement Recognition Luncheon and Ceremony

January 16, 2019

UIC alumni, experts provide guidance during governor’s transition

Eleven people connected to UIC serve on J.B. Pritzker’s transition committees

Chancellor Michael Amiridis

December 7, 2018

To our graduates

‘Promise yourself to continue learning and discovering,’ says UIC Chancellor Michael Amiridis

East Campus with students

October 4, 2018

UIC’s Chancellor’s Fellows Program targets stellar Illinois students

UIC will match the funds it receives from the state

Obama Foundation Chicago Community Conversation

June 20, 2018

Obama Foundation hosts Community Conversation at UIC

Event aims to create stronger communities, empower next generation of leaders

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