All estrogen

Amy Lasek

June 1, 2020

Does estrogen influence alcohol use disorder?

Estrogen pathways may help increase feelings of reward in response to alcohol


November 6, 2017

Higher estrogen levels linked to increased alcohol sensitivity in brain’s ‘reward center’

Findings may play a role in development of addiction in women

Pauline Maki

February 28, 2017

Women perform better than men on memory tests for Alzheimer’s

Estrogen plays a role in verbal memory, says UIC researcher Pauline Maki


July 11, 2016

Hops extract studied to prevent breast cancer

Results in cultured cells suggest chemopreventive effect possible

Gail Prins

April 7, 2014

Researcher honored for findings on hazards of BPA

Showed link between fetal exposure to plastic additive, adult prostate cancer

water bottle

January 7, 2014

BPA increases risk of cancer in human prostate tissue

Fetal exposure to common plastic additive may have serious results later