All fMRI

woman sleeping

April 18, 2017

Poor sleep in anxiety, depression may make it harder to see positive

Impace of sleep on regulating negative emotional responses

Scott A Langenecker; CAVE

January 24, 2017

Brain scan before antidepressant therapy may predict response

Activity within brain networks is key

Amygdala Connectivity

January 20, 2016

Emotion-processing networks disrupted in sufferers of depression

Findings may help Identify who will benefit from continued treatment

September 30, 2015

Researchers track how behavioral therapies change brain function

Study may reveal how behavioral therapy works

Rachel Jacobs and Scott Langenecker with an MRI machine

August 27, 2014

Brain networks ‘hyper-connected’ in young adults who had depression
UIC Podcast
UIC Podcast
Brain networks ‘hyper-connected’ in young adults who had depression

Findings may help identify people most at risk for depression