Timothy Murphy

July 15, 2014

Ethics of fertility medicine when almost anything is possible

Timothy Murphy studies implications of reproductive technology

Sistah Sinema Chicago poster

June 26, 2014

Sistah Sinema film series showcases queer women of color

UIC and Quare Square host local edition of national film series

John D'Emilio

June 24, 2014

How the LGBT movement changed American culture

LGBT scholar considers changes so far, for next generation

John D'Emilio

April 29, 2014

Helping students feel comfortable in the discussion

Silver Circle winner John D’Emilio likes teaching history new to students

Peggy Glowacki, Naomi Salcedo, and Vicky Tai

April 15, 2014

Asian American LGBTQ archive seeks items for collection

UIC Library will house resources for scholars and public

Homeless youth sitting on steps

December 11, 2013

Federal grant to address LGBTQ youth homelessness

Studies show up to 40 percent of homeless youth identify as queer

Jennifer Geiman speaks at the signing of the Marriage Equality Bill

November 20, 2013

Student LGBT leader proud to be part of historic moment

LGBT campus group worked for success of marriage equality bill

November 20, 2013

Governor signs same-sex marriage bill in ceremony at UIC Forum

Illinois becomes 16th state to adopt marriage equality

Fransely Robles

November 19, 2013

‘Fierce determination’ to make a difference in the world

Student’s goal: to connect faith-based, LGBTQ communities

Alicia Matthews

October 15, 2013

Study helps LGBT smokers overcome barriers to quitting

Study asks: Do LGBT smokers benefit from standard treatments?

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