September 27, 2017
Finding 2D materials to make batteries cheaper, betterMolybdenum disulfide may be a promising candidate
April 4, 2017
Mathematician, physicist named Humboldt FellowsMathematician, physicist to conduct research in Germany
March 10, 2017
UIC mathematician, physicist named Humboldt FellowsSchaposnik, Unwin to conduct research in Germany
December 1, 2015
Posthumous degree honors student who loved physicsGraduation ceremony a bittersweet moment for family, colleagues
November 23, 2015
Four UIC researchers named AAAS fellowsU of I president, College of Medicine faculty scholars named for 2016
August 3, 2015
Graphene: like diamonds or coal, a carbon with amazing potentialOnly one atom thick, it has potential for astonishing variety of uses
April 28, 2015
Physicist flips the classroomSilver Circle winner Andrew Tillotson breaks down ‘invisible wall’ in lecture halls
February 24, 2015
Taking it down to the atomic level with electron microscopyResearcher of the Year Robert Klie led push for scanning transmission electron microscope
July 28, 2014
Physicists unlock nature of high-temperature superconductivityKey findings could lead to energy superhighways