Taylor Street resurfacing, bicycle lane project

Dear students, faculty and staff,

The City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation will be making road improvements to Taylor Street between Canal Street and Racine Avenue. Taylor Street provides important east-west connections between the east and west sides of the campus, though work will occur primarily on UIC’s east side of campus. Improvements include street resurfacing, ADA ramp improvements and bicycle lane curbing. This project will improve roadway conditions and provide safety enhancements to the existing Taylor Street bike lanes.

Work started this week and is expected to conclude in mid-October. During this time, any existing parking on Taylor Street will be restricted by the City of Chicago with the placement of No Parking signs. Vehicle travel lanes are expected to remain open, though at times may be reduced to one travel lane so that work can be completed safely. Flaggers will be on-site to redirect traffic. No CTA bus stops will be impacted.

As the fall semester kicks off and activity on campus increases, we encourage you to exercise caution when accessing Taylor Street. Please email planning@uic.edu with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your cooperation.

John Coronado
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

For more information, please contact:
Sherry Krsticevic

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